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Showing posts from June, 2020

Mango Roll - An Indian Delicacy

   Introduction: Mango is a seasonal fruit. In India, It is considered as a King of all fruits. It is our national fruit, It is also called as an ‘Amrut Phal’. It has many health benefits. Consumption of Mango helps in digestion, improves eye health, boosts immunity, and much more. It as a rich source of Vitamin A, C, and D. Mangoes grow in humid weather and sandy land. Indian Mangoes are supposed to be the most trustworthy in the world. The Mango tree is generally 35 ft to 100ft tall. The size of the Mango leaf is between 5 to 16 inches in length remain on a tree a year or more. They are green and pointed.  Mango tree gets decorated with new reddish leaves and beautiful flowers during the ‘Spring’ season (Vasant Rutu) (i.e. from March to May). The flowering of mango is called a flowering plant ‘Mohor’ in Maharashtra. Once the flowers have set fruits it may take 100 to 150 days before the fruit is ready for picking.    A 10 to a 20-year-old tree can produce 200-...